OSPF over IPSEC between Huawei Firewall and Cisco Router


A network Engineer always has two solutions for a problem either search over the internet or go for TAC support. As per my practice i try both sometime first one gets failed, so you know failover happen. I am writing this blog so guys searching to solve OSPF problem can use first option. I was creating OSPF neighborship between Huawei Firewall and Cisco router, but it was in init state always so started debugging on router as well as on firewall what i found was interesting.

Below are the steps of Troubleshooting:

1)Cisco router was sending the Hello Packets towards the peer but no Hello reach at Cisco end over the IPSEC tunnel.
2)Huawei Firewall playing well was receiving the Hello packets on tunnel interface and also sending back (only in debug) so I was like All well at Huawei end so start looking at Cisco end and also on Huawei firewall policies, as it was IPSEC tunnel, so policies was ruled out now culprit was Cisco Router and i was into it to find out.
3)I try my best to get logs but couldn't see any errors on OSPF Neighbour in Hello nor in adjacency.
4)So i seek Cisco TAC support and they extract the logs in which we were not receiving any Hello Packets at all from Huawei end platform debug shows that only packets are sent no hearing from Huawei end and i was more than agree with the TAC, Areej was quick to make the point. At this point in blogs and over internet Cisco support ospf over IPSEC IPv4

5)So Cisco is all ok, Ask Huawei TAC to look into it and Huawei TAC was sorry we do not support OSPF over IPSEC go for GRE over IPSEC.
6)When change the protocol from IPSEC to GRE issue was resolved, Point is that one OEM supported the feature set other one didn't also how come Huawei was able to receive the Hello packets it was multicast so when you receive it you must be able to send it.
7)While doing troubleshooting do use debug first if you are still stuck then go for platform debug if you have prior experience with it. As it can affect performance of network devices.

Raja Shajeel Ahmad
Enterprise DC Engineer
Happy Learning
The limit is the sky.


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