Flow with respect to Networks in AWS

Flow with respect to Networks in AWS which need to be clear to expose any application on AWS and having some of services in on-premises. I will compare AWS services with on-prem technology, so it become ease to understand.

                                                          Building Block of AWS Networking

VPC: Consider it as a switch place in multiple Data center and all switches are connected with each other we can further have small subnets on it which can be part of all switches or only one depend upon the planning and requirements.
Route Tables: Each subnet we create in VPC can have each route table or all subnets have one, Route table is used to control the routing of subnets and how traffic will be routed for any workload on the subnets. Route table can be attached to few other services of AWS as per requirements.
NAT Gateway: It's a service which can translate a private IP to the public and only working for egress traffic (yes NAT session will be maintain for it) But it cannot be used as ingress to convert public IP to private. We use it when we have a private subnet which only have private IPs on it and use NAT GW for reaching internet.
Internet Gateway: It's a service which is connected with Internet, and we route our all-internet traffic towards it.
Customer Gateway: To define on-prem DC Firewall or any network device with which we want to create IPSEC tunnel and have a public IP we create a customer gateway for that and later on use it for IPSEC tunnel between AWS and on-prem/any other site.
IPSEC Tunnel: A site-to-site tunnel which can use IKEv1 and IKEv2 with all required configuration for phase1 and phase2, one important point is here that AWS only support single SA at a time so plan well.
ALB: As we have Application load balancer its same as that we can use AWS ALB service to off-load SSL(HTTPs) or HTTP and then balance the traffic among multiple EC2 instance or any cloud native solution manage by you or AWS like EKS.
WAF: As we have Web application firewall solution, we can use AWS WAF for the same and it can provide as control over Layer 7, and we can control how user can user our application/website and we can also implement OWASP rules by just few clicks.

These are few important concepts of AWS which can really help to understand the networking in AWS and how its work. Hope so this will help to clear some of public cloud concepts.

Raja Shajeel Ahmad
Enterprise DC Engineer
Happy Learning
The limit is the sky.


Mubashir said…
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Anonymous said…
what is ALB
Anonymous said…
what is ALB
Anonymous said…
what is ALB
Anonymous said…
Application load balancer.

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